Friday, November 14, 2014

Sisterlocks 2 month-versary

My post is a little late, but 2 months went by so fast that I've hardly had a chance to update. Here's a photo of my hair at 2 months. I still love my locks. So thankful for my decision despite what others think! #unshakeable #unmoveable #marchtothebeatofmyowndrum #bestdecisionever

Thursday, October 9, 2014

5 week retightening!

I'm a little late but Monday marked 5 weeks and Tuesday I got my first retightening.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

1 month-versary with my Sisterlocks!

Today is October 1st and it has been officially 1 month since the completion of my install. So far, this has been the best decision ever! I love the ease, convenience and versatility of styling. I also love the fact that my Sisterlocks allow my hair to hang a little longer than it used to when I was a loose natural--I had unbelievable shrinkage!

Here's a pic from today. Sorry, just decided to bun it today!

Sunday, September 21, 2014

3 weeks and counting! Sisterlocks updo.

It's been three weeks since the install. I still love my locs. One of my locs in the front is experiencing some slippage.
For church today, I decided to try something a little first updo!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Sisterlocks...2 weeks old

 What a quick two weeks! I am still unsure what to do with the ends but I am still enjoying my freedom!

Friday, September 12, 2014

First wash on new Sisterlocks

Washed my locs for the first time yesterday. Here is the result:
They shrunk but are much fuller. I did also notice some flaking after my wash (no flakes before the wash and never any problems with dandruff). So I am not sure if the flakes are a result of not rinsing the shampoo out thoroughly or just dry scalp. See my vlog on my first wash by clicking here.

Day 5 Sisterlocks...

Time is flying by! This time last week I was sitting in the chair getting my Sisterlocks(R) installed. Can't believe it's already been 5 days since they've been completed. So far I love them. I love the fact that I can get up in the morning and go!

From loose natural hair to Sisterlocks(R). Sisterlocks on fine/thin hair

Yesterday I embarked upon a new adventure and joined a new sisterhood. I went from seven years of having "loose" natural hair to Sisterlocks. Yes. I took the plunge! It took my consultant 36 hours and 28 minutes to complete the install. Once complete, my once coily hair became 549 micro Sisterlocks(r). Some of the factors that affected the amount of time it took for the install is the length of my hair (11 to 13 inches) and the fact that my hair is fine/thin with low density (this actually helped shorten the amount of time installation took). My consultant Andrea did a great job listening to me and really delivering the vision I had for my locs. I look forward to this journey!  See my loose natural hair journey here 2007-2014

Test Locks!
 Last detangle and the last time I'll use these tools! Hallelujah!

 Getting ready to go get Sisterlocked!

 Almost 1/4 of the way done.

 1/4 of the way done on day 1.

 We're done!!!

My Journey begins.

 Day one...

My cabinet went from an overflow of hair products to...
Virtually nothing! Only two products needed now... Shampoo and water! I am loving my freedom already!
To learn more about what Sisterlocks(R) are, go to